Tracker on GitHub

April 30th, 2020

Tada! The Tracker App for WearOS has been published on GitHub

Main Screen

The motivation for the app was very simple: just to have a sport activity tracking app without any cloud services and to get data as the sensors do measure it (heart rate, steps count, location, speed etc.).

Although it is very simple, there were a lot of challenges to get solved. WearOS is just like a box of chocolate: you never know, what you get. I will focus on these issues in the upcoming posts.

Still working on publishing it on GooglePlay. The number of questions one has to answer is an overkill. Especially as soon as you answer, the app is good for kids. No joke, it would be easier to publish an 18+ stuff than that.

Next: JavaFX Episode 1

Previous: Weird TCP Sockets on WearOS

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